The Artificial Lawyer: A Debate About the Usefulness of A/I in the Legal Arena

Artificial intelligence is here and it’s getting more sophisticated and more ubiquitous every day.  Indeed, the legal community seems to be largely embracing A/I with open arms.  But the jury is still out whether this somewhat terrifying new technology is going to be our savior or our destroyer.  Therefore, helping us get set for sentencing this…

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Immersion: Dr. Paul Zak & the Science of Narrative Persuasion, Part 1

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! We all want to be more persuasive communicators, especially when the big day of sentencing is upon us.  But, many of us don’t know whether our oral, written, or visual communications are grabbing and holding our audience, and most importantly, moving them to…

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The Chrisleys Did NOT Know Best: Sentencing Post-Mortem

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! It was a long wacky December in the world of federal sentencing. I can’t remember a month with more high profile proceedings, and Mark Allenbaugh ( and I covered all of it in a marathon, 4-hour session. Here is part 3, dissecting the…

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Fool For a Client: Michael Avenatti Sentencing Post-Mortem

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! Let’s call this part-two of our long days journey into the night of several recent high profile federal setnencings.  Continuing our conversation from last week (Sunny Bulwani), we dig in to the sentencing of the very public and tragic fall of attorney Michael…

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Leading With Story: Doug’s Appearance on Lawyers Who Lead With Sigalle Barness

Rounding out an “all Doug December”, this is absolutely my favorite podcast appearance, simply because Sigalle Barness brings so much soul to this space.  Our conversation was from the heart, and she asked me really hard and interesting questions that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Once you get through some familiar territory about my…

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Listening to Understand: What Laywers & Clients Can Learn From Improv

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, listen on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! I hate to admit it, but we lawyers, we’re really good talkers, but listening? Not so much.  When your lawyer puts away the police report, sits with you, and says, “tell me your story, I’m all ears,” then you know you…

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Across the Pond: Sentencing in the United Kingdom

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! We like to think the United States has “the greatest system in the world.”  But do we?  There’s simply no way to answer that question until we learn how other countries adjudicate crime. Helping us get Set for Sentencing is Prof. Julian Roberts,…

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Question Everything: Computer Forensics at Sentencing

In a criminal case, the contents of your computer can be your saving grace or the nail in your coffin.  This is particularly true in cases involving online offenses. But, taking the government’s word for what they found during the search of your devices is a very bad idea! Helping us get Set For Sentencing…

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