Leading With Story: Doug’s Appearance on Lawyers Who Lead With Sigalle Barness

Rounding out an “all Doug December”, this is absolutely my favorite podcast appearance, simply because Sigalle Barness brings so much soul to this space. Our conversation was from the heart, and she asked me really hard and interesting questions that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Once you get through some familiar territory about my origin story into law and film, you get to some really deep stuff about how to forge meaningful connections with clients, why narrative is leadership, and why my 18-year-old son may be the one who has taught me the most about leadership.
- 3 RS of sentencing narrative (revelation, relativity, redemption);
- Working with other lawyers to craft sentencing narratives;
- Helping clients open up and begin to share their stories;.
- A movie on my mind: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner;
- Building bonds of empathy – the guiding light to all we do;
- Why “pure production” filmmakers can falter in the legal space without proper attorney guidance and supervision;
- Why defense documentaries are nothing more than legal documents;
- The ABT and the Narrative Gym (of course);
- Ty Garbin case, the first defendant sentenced in the kidnap plot to kidnap the Gov of Michigan. I did the sentencing video for Ty’s case, and telling his powerful true story resulted in a extremely just sentencing result;
- Why narrative is LEADERSHIP; and the disastrous results of a lawyer’s failure to lead by controlling the narrative;
- Who is the leader in my life who has shaped my leadership journey (spoiler alert I already told you it’s my son);
- The myth that “story” in the law is fakery. It’s the pathway to the truth. Truth of the client, the truth of life, and the truth of the justice system.
Lawyers Who Lead Podcast: https://lawyerswholeadpodcast.com/
TY GARBIN VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/AOhOY3uuvRQ
3Rs Article (DOWNLOAD FOR FREE) by clicking this button:
Narrative Gym For Law on Amazon: https://a.co/d/7eQdLpC
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