The Internationally recognized leader in video sentencing advocacy.


Set for Sentencing Podcast with Doug Passon


Over a million people a year will face sentencing.  For a client and their loved ones, it will be the most important day of their lives.

Unlike at trial, there is virtually no limit to the kind of information a lawyer can credibly present to advocate for their client and demonstrate their humanity at sentencing.

My passion is helping lawyers and clients craft their most compelling sentencing narratives.  So, I was inspired to create this new podcast drawing on my 25+ years of criminal defense experience, my passion for storytelling, my expertise in producing mitigation videos, and my years spent consulting and developing compelling case narratives that get real results.

In Set for Sentencing, I present cutting edge resources, world-class experts, and the straight scoop on our often dysfunctional system -- all in service to one goal -- to bring more justice, more humanity, and more hope to the sentencing process.

So, are you ready? Then let's get SET FOR SENTENCING!

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Latest Episodes

Please Open In the Event of My Death: The Art, Craft, & Terror of Telling Your Own Story.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it – at sentencing, narrative is everything.  Helping us get Set For Sentencing is a man who knows how to tell GREAT stories. Mark Hsu is an attorney and the author of a sweet, poignant, and incredibly well-written book called,  Please Open In the Event of My…
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MAR-A-LAGO-ING TO PRISON? (Worst Case Scenarios if DJT ends up in the BOP)

We are all still reeling from the monumental events at Mar-a-Lago last week.  Everyone is presumed INNOCENT until proven guilty and there’s still so much we don’t know about what’s going on. But the search and seizure of the former president’s residence is unprecedented &  historic. Therefore, it’s important to consider the potentially monumental sentencing…
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“It’s a Real Life”: A Former Client’s Redemption Story

Helping us get Set for Sentencing this week, an amazing human who happens to be not only a former client, but also the subject of my first full-on sentencing mitigation video ever produced in Federal Court, almost twenty years ago! I am so grateful that Dustin Arnold agreed to share his incredible journey from gifted…
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Digging Deep With Defense Maps

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Question Everything: Computer Forensics at Sentencing

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Sentencing Psychodrama!

Helping us get Set for Sentencing this week, Patrick Barone, a phenomenal Michigan criminal defense lawyer and certified practitioner of psychodrama, a powerful and popular tool used in psychotherapy. Done right, lawyers can deploy psychodrama techniques in and out of court.  It gives us a new path to discover credible and heartfelt ways to reframe…
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Stories From the Frontlines of Justice: From Prosecution to Defense

Helping us get Set for Sentencing this week, extraordinary defense attorney and fantastically empathetic human, Ashley Adams.  Ms. Adams brings a unique perspective, having spent several years as an Assistant United States Attorney, prosecuting predominantly white-collar offenses. This episode is jam packed with incredible information, great stories, new ideas, and tons of heart.  It also…
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The Devil You Know: The “Funny Math” of the Guidelines, Proposed Fixes, and Lessons Learned From Capital Defense.

Helping us get Set For Sentencing, Prof. Douglas Berman.  He is is the Newton D. Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law and Executive Director of the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center, housed in the Moritz College of Law of The Ohio State University. Professor Berman is the creator and author of the widely-read and widely-cited blog, Sentencing Law…
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Understanding Autism at Sentencing

At least 1 in every 54 Americans are on the Autism Spectrum.  But prosecutors and judges often fail to understand what Autism is, why those on the spectrum can be morally blameless for the crimes they have committed, why they are they unlikely to reoffend, and why sending them to prison is cruel and unusual…
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Podcast Praise

"I know several attorneys who have dramatically improved their sentencing advocacy and outcomes for their clients based on the knowledge you have shared so generously."


"I just wanted to thank you for all your free content! We are definitely listening and putting into work, practice and videos what you’re putting out there. And, people are getting very fair sentences because of it."


"I’m new to the public defender office and in my desperation to find resources to get me up to speed, I ran across a post on the sentencing blog referencing your podcast. I’m a hard core podcast listener so I’ve been chomping on episodes almost non-stop since I discovered it." 


"I have been listening to your podcasts, and I am so excited about what I am learning!" 

Mitigation Specialist

"Content is king. I find yours to be unusually edifying and enlightening (and occasionally entertaining or endearing to boot)."


"Loved the Lolita podcast! This was such a fascinating topic to explore."


"I have really enjoyed your podcast. Most of my work has become Federal defense, and, of course, pretty much all of it results in sentencings. I’ve enjoyed your guests, your comments, and just your overall content. Nicely done."


"I just know that the good work you are doing out there to publicize and advocate in this realm of legal practice is causing reverberations."

Client's Family Member

"Your podcasts are a phenomenal source of knowledge, which I listen to at the end of the day on a long run."


"I've listened to them all so far.  Maureen Baird was very informative (and even provided a few confessions about the BOP). What a fantastic resource!"
