BOP Programming With Dr. Alix McLearen

We’ve spent a lot of time running down the BOP, and not without good cause, BUT we don’t give as much attention as we should to the positive things happening inside those walls.  Lawyers need to learn about and advocate for beneficial programming placements for clients, especially those with special needs. Therefore, helping us get set…

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On Deaf Ears: When Sentencing Goes Wrong

It’s a gloomy night in Oklahoma City.  I’m holed up in a hotel working on a capital case.  But I’m in a dark place.  Last week I saw a terrible injustice occur in a matter in which I was involved as a consultant.  The lawyers did a fantastic job of making their case for a…

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Sam Bankman-Fried: Is Autism the Missing Piece of Mitigation?

Sam Bankman Fried is almost certainly on the Autism Spectrum.  And, if his lawyers can fully understand ASD, they would have a better chance at acquitting their client by explaining to the jury why his actions may not have been nearly as intentional and  calculated as they seem.  Moreover, if he’s convicted, ASD would go…

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Defending Autism With Mark Mahoney (Pt. 2)

This week, we continue our crucial conversation on Autism with Mark Mahoney, America’s leading Autism defense attorney ( There is so much we don’t know when it comes to ASD, and because it’s so prevalent, lawyers must be on the lookout for this issue in every case.  It matters.  It matters to culpability, it matters to recidivism,…

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Defending Autism With Mark Mahoney (Pt. 1)

We began this conversation in Ep.5,  “Understanding Autism at Sentencing”.  But the topic is so important, and so close to my heart and the work that I do, it’s time to dig in deeper. In the first of a two-part episode, we talk with the nation’s premiere criminal defense attorney when it comes to representing…

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Mental Disabilities at Sentencing

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! Many with serious mental illness and intellectual and developmental disabilities find themselves caught in the web of the criminal justice system.   But these issues are complex.  We need help recognizing the issue, finding the right expert to make sense of it, and…

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Leading With Story: Doug’s Appearance on Lawyers Who Lead With Sigalle Barness

Rounding out an “all Doug December”, this is absolutely my favorite podcast appearance, simply because Sigalle Barness brings so much soul to this space.  Our conversation was from the heart, and she asked me really hard and interesting questions that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Once you get through some familiar territory about my…

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Elizabeth Holmes: Sentencing Post Mortem

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! On Friday, 11/18/22, a federal judge sentenced Elizabeth Holmes to over eleven years in prison.  Ms. Holmes was convicted after trial of a “fake it ’till you make it” fraud involving her company Theranos, and the revolutionary blood testing technology dream machine that…

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Understanding Autism at Sentencing

At least 1 in every 54 Americans are on the Autism Spectrum.  But prosecutors and judges often fail to understand what Autism is, why those on the spectrum can be morally blameless for the crimes they have committed, why they are they unlikely to reoffend, and why sending them to prison is cruel and unusual…

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