On Deaf Ears: When Sentencing Goes Wrong


It’s a gloomy night in Oklahoma City.  I’m holed up in a hotel working on a capital case.  But I’m in a dark place.  Last week I saw a terrible injustice occur in a matter in which I was involved as a consultant.  The lawyers did a fantastic job of making their case for a non-custodial sentence, but all of their arguments and impassioned pleas fell on deaf ears.  

We spend a lot of time on this podcast talking about our triumphs. But anyone who does this work knows that epic losses are part of the deal.  And they hurt.  So let’s talk about it.

This is a departure from my usual episode.  I’ve always had a guest.  Today, it’s just me.  Putting it all out there.  It was cathartic.  Probably indulgent. Hopefully there’s something in there you can take away.


  • Autism;
  • Avoiding the bus bench lawyer;
  • The truth about flat fees;
  • Working with a competent legal team;
  • Telling the story of prison;
  • The need to walk the walk when it comes to remorse and acceptance – do something to right the wrong;
  • The criminal justice system is a (rigged) lottery.


First Autism Episode with Jamie and Toni Sparks;


Defending Autism With Mark Mahoney (Part One):


Defending Autism With Mark Mahoney (Part Two):


Bilal Khan Episode: Is My Lawyer Any Good?


Bilal Khan Book (Surviving PreTrial)


On Deaf Ears – this is the part of the soundtrack of my misery this week.  Music is the salve that heals any wound.  I adore this song (and album) from “Joseph the Spouse”, which is fronted by Chris Sullivan, an incredible actor you’ve seen as Toby in “This is Us” and Tom Cleary in “The Knick”.  Anyway, it’s the bomb.  Take a listen.  https://youtu.be/VelUZgdLQwU?si=egf45hGGXASHQZqW



Check out this episode!

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