The BOP Horror Show & What We Can Do About It
It’s not even October yet, but this episode feels tailor made for Halloween. It’s no secret that the BOP is deeply dysfunctional, dangerous, and dehumanizing. And the stories of deprivation and death inside the walls of the BOP abound. But lawyers are not telling these stories enough at sentencing, and as a result, Judges often…
The First Step Act (with Walt Pavlo)
The FSA is meant to give non-violent offenders a chance to significantly reduce their term of incarceration through programming and good conduct. But, the BOP is proving to be unwilling or unable to properly implement the law. Helping us get set for sentencing this week is Walt Pavlo, founder of and frequent contributor to…
BOP MEANS: Back Off the Punishment: Making the Case That Judges Must Fix the BOP by Imposing Fewer and Shorter Prison Terms
The Bureau of Prisons is dysfunctional, dangerous and dehumanizing. Its failures have been well-documented recently in the press, in OIG reports, and in judicial opinions. But some judges still don’t understand that they have the power and the responsibility to do something about it. Moreover, lawyers don’t always know that BOP dysfunction is powerful sentencing…
BOP Stands for Big Ol’ Problems: Exposing Dysfunction & Danger at the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Judges routinely hand out prison sentences in white collar/non-violent offender’s cases, believing a client will end up in a minimum security “camp” and that their time there will therefore be less severe, or even “easy”. But, the days of the “Club Fed,” if they ever existed at all, are OVER. Decision makers need to understand…
Prison Consultants and the Myth of the Fixer: How to Separate Substance from Snake Oil
Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! Prison consultants have been receiving dubious attention in the press lately. The truth is, a qualified prison consultant can be a valuable member of a well-managed defense team. But, beware of so-called experts who promise you the moon for a fee.…