Immersion: Dr. Paul Zak & the Science of Narrative Persuasion, Part 1

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! We all want to be more persuasive communicators, especially when the big day of sentencing is upon us.  But, many of us don’t know whether our oral, written, or visual communications are grabbing and holding our audience, and most importantly, moving them to…

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Across the Pond: Sentencing in the United Kingdom

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts! We like to think the United States has “the greatest system in the world.”  But do we?  There’s simply no way to answer that question until we learn how other countries adjudicate crime. Helping us get Set for Sentencing is Prof. Julian Roberts,…

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Digging Deep With Defense Maps

Understanding, let alone telling, your client’s story can be a daunting task.  Lawyers often lack the time and resources to peel back the layers of a client’s life and properly put their offense in context.  Thankfully, they now have a free, powerful, comprehensive and confidential tool to help get the job done – Defense Map.…

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Question Everything: Computer Forensics at Sentencing

In a criminal case, the contents of your computer can be your saving grace or the nail in your coffin.  This is particularly true in cases involving online offenses. But, taking the government’s word for what they found during the search of your devices is a very bad idea! Helping us get Set For Sentencing…

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Stories From the Frontlines of Justice: From Prosecution to Defense

Helping us get Set for Sentencing this week, extraordinary defense attorney and fantastically empathetic human, Ashley Adams.  Ms. Adams brings a unique perspective, having spent several years as an Assistant United States Attorney, prosecuting predominantly white-collar offenses. This episode is jam packed with incredible information, great stories, new ideas, and tons of heart.  It also…

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