Keep Fighting the Good Fight on Compassionate Release!
May 25, 2022

The powers-that-be would like to pretend that Covid is over, the prisons are safe, and Compassionate Release is no longer necessary. This is simply not the case. The podcast is gearing up for its official launch. In the meantime, enjoy this web extra with the incomparable Mark Allenbaugh, who returns to to talk about the current state of federal compassionate release cases.
We dig in to the hard facts and cool graphs to tell the truth about deceiving data, specious arguments, and flat out false information most commonly deployed to defeat meritorious claims for compassionate release.
- Confronting the myth that Compassionate Release undermines the sentencing guidelines;
- Confronting the myth that Covid is in the rearview;
- Confronting the myth that inmate vaccination is a bar to demonstrating “extraordinary & compelling” reasons for CR;
- Confronting the myth that having recovering from a prior infection creates a bar to demonstrating “extraordinary & compelling” reasons for CR;
- Confronting the myth that the BOP is doing everything it possibly can to protect inmates, staff and surrounding community;
- Mother F^*kin’ Monkey Pox
Federal Sentencing Statistics Made Easy using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
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